After what happened to me this last Saturday, I have to say not only is it real, but that I have used it for the second time in my life to save myself from serious injury.
I was raised on a dairy farm which I ran for thirty years after returning from the U.S. Naval Academy. Both times I feel I have used Telekinesis were related to accidents I was involved with on the farm.
The first time I was standing on the side of our manure spreader when my foot slipped. I was heading face first into a soupy, fully loaded spreader. I didn’t think, I just reacted. Instead of reaching out to try and catch myself on the opposite side, I threw my arms into the air. I hit the near side of the spreader with the front of my thighs and slid to the floor. I thought at that moment, “That was some incredible acrobatics.” However, I realized I was winded like I had just run a mile and was dead tired all the rest of the day. When I reviewed the accident in my mind, it did not seem possible to have just been an acrobatic effort or I would have flown off and hit the side of the shed. Combining that thought with how dead tired I was, it occurred to me that somehow my subconscious mind had tapped into an unknown telekinetic ability and helped me escape injury.
I still wasn’t convinced. That had never happened to me before during other farm accidents I had been in. Saturday change that.
I had backed a two wheel trailer into the barn and unhooked it because the tractor couldn’t get in any further. I wanted to move it back a bit more to get room for my car. My tires on the trailer are set towards the back, so the hitch is very heavy. I pushed back on the trailer and moved it six inches. The left tire was going to hit some junk I had near it, so I tried to pull the hitch to the left. The welds on the bottom of the jack gave way and the hitch was coming down on my right foot. A shock wave went through my entire body. I could feel the weight of the hitch on my foot, but was able to pull my foot out.
I have fractured the little toe on my right foot and injured my hamstring in my right leg. Still, it SHOULD have been worse. The instant after the accident when I wasn’t sure how badly I had been hurt, my body felt strange, kind of dislocated. I figured to have crushed some bones in my foot, but as I walked around assessing the damage, there was feeling from all my toes! .
I put the tractor away and started for the house. I wasn’t able to walk more than eight or ten steps before the world started to spin. I knew I had not hit my head, so it shouldn’t have been a concussion. After pausing several times to let the dizziness pass, I made it to the house.
The vertigo wouldn’t go away even after sitting down. About twenty minutes after the accident, I began to vomit. That was when I called the ambulance. Three times I vomited while I waited for help to arrive. The odd thing was, after the third time that finished emptying my stomach, I started to feel a bit better.
After several tests and an X-ray at the Hospital, the doctor determined my only injury was a fractured right little toe. They sent me home.
As I waited in the Emergency Room for my tests to come back, I thought about the accident. I should NOT have come away with only a fractured toe. My foot should have either been crushed or the toe amputated. Then I thought about the spreader incident.
I now believe I have telekinetic ability and my sub-conscious mind knows how to tap into it to help me during a crisis.
Upon returning home, I went onto the internet and googled telekinesis. After searching through several websites, I came to one that talked about the effects on your body when using psychic energy. The article stated it could dehydrate you and possibly lower your blood sugar levels.
That is what I now believe happened to me. It was far worse this time than the first, because the first time I just used it to direct my own body. Saturday, I used it to counteract the weight of the trailer hitch. The effort was much greater.
I was dehydrated when I got into the house, but didn’t drink anything in case there was internal bleeding. (Thirst is a sign of that condition.) I think my body went into hyper-healing mode and caused the vomiting so it could shut down my digestive system.
If you have read this far, then you may also think it is possible we have an untapped telekinetic ability inside of ourselves. I plan to try to figure out how to get some control of this ability or at the very least get to the house immediately after an incident to start drinking orange juice. I might just throw it up, but at least I will try to start the recovery process.